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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Is Lane Splitting by Motorcycle Riders Legal in Georgia?

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

If you are an avid motorcycle rider, you are probably well aware of the dangers you encounter when sharing the road with larger, heavier motorized vehicles. Statistics compiled by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GA DOT) confirm the risks, though the actual number of total crashes is relatively low compared to other traffic collisions…. Read More »

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Risk of Falls on Construction Sites in Georgia

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

The construction site is one of the most dangerous workplaces for employees, with heavy equipment, scaffolding, electricity, and numerous crews all contributing to accidents. Among these factors, there is one particular type of accident that rises to the forefront. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), falls are the leading… Read More »

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How Distracted Driving Affects a Motorist’s Capabilities

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

Distracted driving is a specific type of inattention that occurs when motorists direct their focus on some non-driving activity and away from operating the vehicle. You can guess that this risky conduct increases the chances of a car accident, and statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are proof. Every year, more… Read More »

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Complete v. Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries in Accidents

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

The spinal cord acts as a communications network, transmitting messages from the brain to the systems, organs, muscles, and other tissues that comprise the human body. When trauma from an accident causes a spinal cord injury (SCI), the consequences can be severe. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), accidents are… Read More »

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How Do I Prove a Georgia Wrongful Death Case?

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

There is always the potential for serious injuries in an accident, but some incidents are so severe that a victim is killed through no fault of their own. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidents are the fourth leading cause of death nationwide. Every year, almost 225,000 people are… Read More »

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To Do’s After Being Injured in an Atlanta Car Accident

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

Georgia ranks high in terms of the number of car accidents among all US states, and statistics are proof of the dangers. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), there are more than 384,500 total crashes statewide every year. These collisions cause almost 2,000 fatalities, while another 150,000 people suffer injuries ranging from… Read More »

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4 Facts to Know About Rideshare Accidents in Georgia

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing services are a familiar sight on the streets of Atlanta, and it is not surprising that many people use them because of the affordable cost and convenience. Statistics indicate that 36 percent of Americans have logged onto ridesharing apps to arrange transportation, which is more than twice the number… Read More »

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Who is Liable for Slip and Fall Accidents in Georgia?

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

Slip and fall accidents are a more serious threat than you might expect, leading to more deaths and disabilities than motor vehicle crashes. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 44,700 people are killed because of unintentional falls every year. Another 8.59 million victims suffer injuries in slip and… Read More »

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Tips to Avoid Bicycle Accidents in Atlanta

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

Whether you ride for fun, transportation, or exercise, bicycles are a popular way to get around Atlanta. Many of the urban spaces even encourage biking, with designated bike lanes, paths, and locking facilities. However, as more people become bicycle enthusiasts, you can expect collisions to increase. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT),… Read More »

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Exceptions to Georgia Workers’ Comp Laws for Workplace Accidents

By The Forsythe Law Firm LLC |

There is a wide range of work-related hazards that impact Georgia employees on a daily basis, no matter what your industry or position with an employer. According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, there are 91,200 recordable cases across Georgia every year. More than half, 44,000 of these injured employees, will be… Read More »

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